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Writefull - automatická korektúra odborných textov v angličtine (5.11.2024)
Writefull - automatická korektúra odborných textov v angličtine (6.11.2024)
Introduction to open research (6.11.2024)
Learn how to use SciFlow Publish: From importing a document to refining your publication (7.11.2024)
How to get published with the IEEE Computer Society (7.11.2024)
Ignite R&D Innovation with Scopus and Scopus AI (7.11.2024)
Navigating Quality Control in ChatGPT: The Power of Research and Citations (7.11.2024)
How to promote your article and impact policy (12.11.2024)
Excellence in peer review: how to be an effective peer reviewer (13.11.2024)
Slovak Open Science Forum (14.11.2024)
Patenty a dáta – základ úspešného výskumu a medzinárodnej spolupráce (19.11.2024)
Choosing quality journals (20.11.2024)
The Evolution of Plain Language Summaries: Embracing New Opportunities & Innovation (5.12.2024)
Learn how to use SciFlow Authoring: Make academic writing effortless and save time with automatic formatting (10.12.2024)