Sledujte informácie o aktuálnych webinároch, školeniach, seminároch, ktoré vám môžu napomôcť pri tvorbe publikácií, vyhľadávaní informácií a v spoznávaní pravidiel vedeckej práce, alebo len dozvedieť sa niečo zaujímavé.
Introduction to Scopus
Publishing Open Access Articles with the IEEE (1.10.2024)
Research smarter with the Web of Science Research Assistant (1.10.2024)
Unlock the power of knowledge with (2.10.2024)
Engineering innovation in record time: discover Knovel (7.10.2024)
Modern teaching methods and the use of e-resources in academic education (8.10.2024)
Maximizing your Knovel experience: user accounts and personalization (9.10.2024)
Open access books publishing 101: Getting started (16.10.2024)
Ethics Focus: Authorship & Conflicts of Interest (16.10.2024)
Excellence in peer review: how to be an effective peer reviewer (16.10.2024)
Reaxys Monthly - training and "open office" (16.10.2024)
Solve complex engineering problems: explore Knovel (17.10.2024)
Využite Knovel naplno (22.10.2024)
Publishing in Elsevier Journals, Including the Open Access Model (22.10.2024)
Sekundárne publikačné práva a zachovanie autorských práv (rights retention) (22.10.2024)
How to understand open access, journal publication charges and fee structures (23.10.2024)
How to take your academic social media to the next level (23.10.2024)
Využite Knovel naplno (24.10.2024)
Learn how to use SciFlow Authoring: Make academic writing effortless and save time with automatic formatting (24.10.2024)
Introduction to open research (6.11.2024)
Learn how to use SciFlow Publish: From importing a document to refining your publication (7.11.2024)
How to promote your article and impact policy (12.11.2024)
Excellence in peer review: how to be an effective peer reviewer (13.11.2024)
Choosing quality journals (20.11.2024)
Learn how to use SciFlow Authoring: Make academic writing effortless and save time with automatic formatting (10.12.2024)
The Evolution of Plain Language Summaries: Embracing New Opportunities & Innovation (5.12.2024)
Web of Science Open House Sessions (11.12.2024)