Spoločnosti SAGE a Albertina icome Bratislava Vás pozývajú na sériu webinárov zameraných na akademický proces publikovania How To Get Published.
Táto séria prinesie hlbší ponor do sveta časopisov a poskytne odborné rady výskumníkom a autorom, ako publikovať v recenzovanom akademickom časopise. Séria tiež preskúma ďalšie aspekty akademického publikovania, vrátane toho, ako nájsť mentora a všetky relevantné náklady spojené s publikovaním, okrem iných tém.
Pre účasť je nutná registrácia :
- 31.1.2024 o 17:00 - Methodology and Publication Options (nahrávka)
How do design decisions influence what you publish, and where you publish findings and insights from the study? Readers want to know the answers to why and how questions, in addition to what questions. Why did you choose to conduct the study as you did, how did the approach fit the purpose of the study, and what did you learn? Join us for an informative webinar that will include tips for articulating key points about your study’s methodological foundations and frameworks in scholarly articles, chapters, or books. You will also learn ways to look for publications with a methodological focus in this webinar.
- 14.2.2024 o 17:00 - Reference Search and Reference Section (nahrávka)
Join our upcoming webinar, where we delve into the essential skills of conducting a thorough reference search and formatting your reference section. Whether you're a student working on an academic paper or a researcher submitting a manuscript, a well-organized and accurate reference section is crucial. We will guide you through the process of conducting effective reference searches, ensuring you locate the most relevant and reliable sources for your work. Learn valuable tips on refining search queries, utilizing databases, and critically evaluating sources to enhance the credibility of your references. We will also demystify the intricacies of various citation styles. Discover tools and resources that simplify the citation process and ensure consistency in your references. Gain an understanding of reference search strategies and be equipped with the skills to create a polished and accurately formatted reference section.
- 6.3.2024 o 17:00 - Qualitative Methodology (nahrávka)
Qualitative methodologies invite researchers to collect the views and experiences, stories and expressions of people who have knowledge of the research problem. How can you use those stories in your writings? How should you deal with sensitive, controversial, or inflammatory messages in the data? Should you include direct quotes or is it preferable to paraphrase statements? What ethical and practical guidelines should you follow? These are some of the questions we will explore in the webinar. Join us to learn how to write a compelling paper based on your qualitative research.
- 3.4.2024 o 17:00 - Quantitative Methodology (nahrávka)
Unlock the secrets to effective academic writing with a focus on quantitative methodology in our upcoming webinar. Join us as we explore the foundational principles of quantitative methodology, breaking down complex concepts into digestible insights. Learn how to design a robust research framework, select appropriate statistical methods, and interpret findings with clarity. Our experienced presenters will guide you through the essential steps, providing practical tips for collecting, analyzing, and presenting quantitative data effectively.
- 7.5.2024 o 17:00 - Research in a Digital World (nahrávka)
Join us for a unique webinar, live from the Center for Advanced Internet Studies in Bochum, Germany. Janet Salmons, manager for the Sage Research Methods Community and CAIS fellow, will be joined by other resident scholars for a conversation about using online methods to study digital trends, cultures, and communities. Learn how to navigate design decisions and address ethical concerns so you can conduct scholarly research online. - 26.6.2024 o 17:00 - Article front matter (nahrávka)
Whether you're an early career researcher or a seasoned researcher, understanding how to effectively craft the front matter of your article is key to capturing your reader's attention and setting the stage for a compelling narrative. Join our expert presenters as they unravel the intricacies of front matter, guiding you through the process of creating a polished and impactful introduction to your work. From crafting an attention-grabbing title and constructing an informative abstract to strategically placing keywords and writing a compelling plain language summary, this webinar will equip you with the skills to optimize the visibility and discoverability of your article. This webinar is designed to enhance your understanding of the critical elements that make up the front matter of an article.
10.7.2024 o 17:00 - How to get more involved with a journal and develop your career (nahrávka)
Whether you're a budding researcher or an established scholar, this session is tailored to provide valuable insights into leveraging your involvement with academic journals to advance your career. Join our distinguished panel of experts as they share practical tips on building strong relationships with journal editors, understanding the peer review process, and navigating the intricacies of academic publishing. Learn how to enhance your visibility within your research community, explore opportunities for collaboration, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. Discover the myriad ways to contribute beyond traditional authorship – from serving as a peer reviewer and editorial board member to exploring guest editorship roles. Understand how active participation in the scholarly publishing process can not only enrich your professional network but also open doors to new career opportunities. Whether you're aiming for academic tenure, seeking collaborative projects, or simply looking to broaden your impact, this webinar will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to propel your career forward.
- 7.8.2024 o 17:00 - Culture & Mixed Methods Design (nahrávka)
Mixed methods researchers combine qualitative and quantitative methods in the same study. Designing and conducting studies that include more than one approach often involves more than one researcher. Sometimes data scientists, interviewers who speak the language of participants, and other specialists are needed. In this webinar you will learn how to collaborate with a cross-cultural research team. We will explore how can culture influence mixed methods designs and how authors represent culture in the requisite integration of qualitative and quantitative research.
- 18.9.2024 o 17:00 - Respond to Reviewer Comments (nahrávka)
Navigate the peer review process with confidence in our upcoming webinar. Effective responses to peer reviewer comments are critical to the success of your manuscript. Join our experienced presenters as they guide you through the nuances of crafting thoughtful, strategic, and constructive responses to peer reviewer feedback. Learn best practices for interpreting comments, addressing critiques, and effectively communicating revisions to enhance the quality and impact of your research. Gain insights into the mindset of peer reviewers and understand how to navigate conflicting suggestions with finesse. From acknowledging feedback graciously to presenting a compelling argument for your choices, this webinar will equip you with the skills to turn the peer review process into a collaborative and constructive dialogue. Whether you're facing minor revisions or a major overhaul, this webinar is designed to empower you with the tools needed to navigate the revision process successfully. Join us to elevate your ability to respond to peer reviewer comments, ensuring your research not only meets but exceeds the standards of scholarly excellence.
- 23.10.2024 o 17:00 - Open Access (nahrávka)
Whether you're an author, researcher, or academic professional, navigating the landscape of open access and publication fees is crucial for making informed decisions about disseminating your research. Join our expert panel as they break down the fundamentals of open access, providing clarity on the different models, benefits, and potential challenges. Gain insights into the various fee structures associated with open access journals and understand how these charges contribute to the sustainability of scholarly publishing. We will also walk you through other publication charges and fees you may encounter with all journals, not just those that are open access, and what difference is between each type of charge. We will also explore strategies for identifying reputable journals.
- 12.11.2024 o 17:00 - Promote Article and Impact Policy
Now that you've published your article, what steps should you take to ensure it receives the attention it deserves? Discover practical strategies to amplify your research and tailor your targeting. Whether you're an academic, researcher, or policy enthusiast, learn how to navigate media channels, engage with stakeholders, and maximize the influence of your findings. Gain actionable tips from experts in the field and empower yourself to make a real difference in shaping policies that matter
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